Kerz Moritz - A Homotopical Approach to Crystalline Cohomology
Moritz Kerz - Pure Local Systems Over Local Fields
Moritz Kerz - On the vanishing of negative K-theory
Moritz Kerz: Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups (Lecture 1)
Moritz Kerz: Algebraic K-theory and descent for blow-ups (Lecture 2)
Proper base change for zero cycles - Moritz Kerz
On negative algebraic K-groups – Moritz Kerz – ICM2018
Moritz Kerz - Density of local systems with quasi-unipotent monodromy at infinity
Moritz Kerz – Cohomology of local systems (Minkowski Lecture)
Hélène Esnault: Arithmetic of rank one local systems
GeNoCAS 2022, Talk 6. Georg Tamme.
Georg Tamme: A version of Vorst's conjecture in positive and mixed characteristic
Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind, BWV 153: No. 3, Arioso. "Fürchte dich nicht"
Christian Dahlhausen - Continuous K-theory and K-theory of Zariski-Riemann spaces
Christoph Winges: On the isomorphism conjecture for Waldhausen's algebraic K-theory of spaces
Unternehmen Unseld - Peter Sloterdijk im Gespräch mit Stephan Schlak
Abstraction - Seminar 2 - Resolution I, blowing up
Algebraic K-theory and arithmetic
Peter Scholze: Some remarks on prismatic cohomology of rigid spaces
Kranz - So ist es (Cro Easy)