GEN Kellin Thresh vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.13
Gen Kellin THRESH vs NAUTILUS Support - Patch 10.9 KR Ranked
Kellin THRESH (Support) [Guardian] VS NAUTILUS - Challenger KR Patch 10.7
GEN Kellin Thresh vs HLE Lehends Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.23
JAG Kellin SUP Thresh VS Nautilus Replay S9 / 서포터 쓰레쉬 VS 노틸러스 관전 시즌9 - 2/3/21 Patch 9.23 KR
GEN Life Thresh vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 11.5
VG Hang Thresh vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.18
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Zyra Sup - KR Patch 10.13
Gen G Kellin SUP Thresh VS Nautilus Replay S9 / 서포터 쓰레쉬 VS 노틸러스 관전 시즌9 - 3/3/16 Patch 9.24 KR
Keria is the only Player that uses Double E on Rakan
T1 Kuri Thresh vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.15
HLE Lehends Nautilus vs GEN Kellin Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.19
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.22
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.24
Gen Kellin THRESH vs RAKAN Support - Patch 10.8 KR Ranked
SB Kabbie Thresh vs DMO Mark Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.13
GEN Kellin Thresh vs SB Serenity Leona Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Blitzcrank Sup - KR Patch 10.17
T1 Keria's Embarrasses WBG With A Beautiful Sidestep