GEN Kellin Nautilus vs Sett Sup - KR Challenger Patch 10.10
Kellin NAUTILUS (Support) [Aftershock] VS SETT - Grandmaster KR Patch 10.13
T1 Crescent Sett vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.20
Nautilus saving the day :D
Caedrel Has Had ENOUGH Of Watching Clid
JD Gaming LvMao Sup Sett vs Nautilus - KR Challenger Patch 10.8
GEN Kellin Nautilus vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.21
Gen Kellin SETT vs YUUMI Bot - Patch 10.8 KR Ranked
GEN Kellin Braum vs Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.16
Insta flash in from Keria with lux 🤩 - League of Legends #shorts #leagueoflegends
GEN Kellin Nautilus vs Alistar Sup - KR Patch 10.13
Gen.G Kellin Sup Sett vs Thresh - KR Challenger Patch 10.8
SEASON 12 CHALLENGER Support Gameplay - ALISTAR vs NAUTILUS Patch 12.4
Kellin ZILEAN (Support) [Guardian] VS SETT - Challenger KR Patch 10.11
Gumayushi KALISTA & Life Sett vs Ruler KAI'SA & Nautilus (ADC) | Rank 4 | KR Challenger | v10.6
Kellin POPPY (Support) [Unsealed Spellbook] VS SETT - Challenger KR Patch 10.13
GEN Kellin Poppy vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.18
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.24
APK Secret Sett vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.24
RAKAN & Kai'Sa vs NAUTILUS & Ashe (SUPPORT) | Rank 2 Rakan, 4/5/27 | EUW Challenger | v10.24