Kaupþing 300.000 - John Cleese
Kaupþing hopp - John Cleese
Kaupthing Unglingar
Kaupthing spot with John Cleese
Kaupthing Bank Commercial starring John Cleese #3
Kaupthing Bank - Vision film
Iceland to charge ex-Kaupthing bank chief with fraud
Icelandic Prime Minister talks about Icesave and Kaupthing
Dæmt um starfsmannalánin í Kaupþing
Kaupþing - Katar - Al Thani - yfirlit sept. 2008 til maí 2009
Portrait: John Cleese, Sexist
Jens Berger: Die isländische Lösung der Krise - ein Vorbild für Europa?
Kaupthing (Manifestation)
Baugur og bókhaldið
John Cleese on Sarah Palin BEST VIEW!
John Cleese in Bath supporting Steve Bradley
Bank Satisfaction
Iceland, where they have send their bankers to prison | In Europe (full episode)