The science of emotions: Jaak Panksepp at TEDxRainier
Experts in Emotion 3.3 -- Jaak Panksepp on Animal Models of Human Emotion
Jaak Panksepp - from psychiatric ward to understanding happiness
Jaak Panksepp: "Affective Continuity? From SEEKING to PLAY -- Science, Therapeutics and Beyond" p.1
Jaak Panksepp – Notre Dame Symposium on Human Nature and Early Experience
The primary process level, emotional affects & the complex social brain | Dr Jaak Panksepp
Jaak Panksepp: "Affective Continuity? From SEEKING to PLAY -- Science, Therapeutics and Beyond" p.2
How Many Emotions Are There In Humans? (Introduction To Jaak Panksepp's Affective Neuroscience)
The 7 Emotion Circuits: RAGE, FEAR, GRIEF, LUST, CARE, SEEKING, and PLAY (Jaak Panksepp's theory)
Jaak Panksepp and Joseph Waters on Tickling Rats and Emotional Music
Jaak Panksepp - Eesti lugu
Lucy Biven, Co-author with Jaak Panksepp on "A Short-Cut to Understanding Affective Neuroscience"
Why do rats laugh? Interview with Jaak Panksepp - präsentiert von Braincast
Affective Neuroscience: Im Gespräch mit Emotionsforscher Jaak Panksepp
Affective Basis of Drug and Social Addictions | Dr. Jaak Panksepp | MC4 L7
Brains At Play | NPR Ed
In Memory of Jaak Panksepp 04-20-2017
Gabrielle Usatynski on "How to Use Jaak Panksepp's 7 Core Emotions to Transform Your Relationships"
The Play Archetype (Neurochemistry similarities in Rats and Humans by Jaak Panksepp)