In traffic at a speed of 9999999, The Demolition Truck that broke Niko's heart! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko and I are cracking up. Mission impossible! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Lamar likes to drive up into the sky! - GTA5
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Brucie's probably died the most times! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko's First Date! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, A new chapter. Franklin's nightmare is here! - GTA5
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko thinks walking is better than driving! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko wants to leave Liberty CIty! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko wants Vlad to die early! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Franklin thought he should take a lesson from Niko! - GTA5
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Playboy's HP is too high! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, How many times has Brucie died?! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999,Niko and Roman are going crazy! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999,I wanted Dimitri to stay dead, but he got too lucky! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko finally made it! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko and Roman are in love with swimming! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko really didn't kill anyone! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, The world is full of uncertainty! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko and Roman's happiest day! - GTA4
In traffic at a speed of 9999999, Niko's happy weekend! - GTA4