Granada in-vision continuity 1990
granada ITV indent 1990
ITV Granada TV - Broadcast Clock Ident - Last Train Part 1 - 1999
Granada TV Electronic Ident - 1990
ITV Granada Television 1990 Main Ident Theme Tune
Granada TV Series: The Caesars (1968) 1/6 Augustus
ITV takes down Granada TV sign
ITV Schools History Around You - Canal Clues Granada TV 1976
Picture Box - Titles - Granada - ITV Schools - 1982
Fords of Winsford ITV Granada TV Commercial
ITV Granada TV Adverts September 16th 1978
Granada TV - Opening Titles Compilation
ITV In the Face Episode 2: Granada
The end of Granada Studios as ITV leaves Quay Street in Manchester (2010) - ITV Granada Reports
The Abandoned Camelot Theme Park - What Remains?
ITV Granada Reports - Lucy Meacock leaves
ITV Granada | start-up | 23rd May 1984
ITV Granada second ad break 1987 (from 'Clive James On Television)
Granada TV Closedown - 17th Sept 1986 - Tribute to Pat Phoenix by announcer Jim Pope
Granada Television - The ITV Network | The Ident Review Extra