INDO TALES - EPISODE 6 (un)lucky GT.. traditional net fishing for soldierfish and grilling..
INDO TALES - EPISODE 29 Mix of quality fish and grilling on the beach
INDO TALES - EPISODE 37 Few nice fish.. grilling chicken and cooking eggplant risotto..
INDO TALES - EPISODE 33 Double spanish mackerel
INDO TALES - EPISODE 1 Double blufin trevally and cooking octopus
INDO TALES - EPISODE 26 Fixing the equipment, shore dive and grilling spanish mackerel
INDO TALES - EPISODE 18 Spearfishing on a new pinnacle and cooking fish
INDO TALES - EPISODE 27 Mangrove jacks and maori seaperch.. cooking fish with tomato and pineapple
Tides of Discovery #storymailbox #history #naturestales
INDO TALES - EPISODE 15 Travel to a new remote island in West Papua and first day of spearfishing
INDO TALES - EPISODE 35 Spearfishing in front of the village
INDO TALES - EPISODE 31 Shallow groupers under the cliffs on a small remote island
INDO TALES - EPISODE 7 Shore dive from a village and cooking trigger fish
INDO TALES - EPISODE 16 Few interesting catches!!Maori seaperch,grouper,mangroove jack and red bass
INDO TALES - EPISODE 23 Big blue spotted coral trout and grilling on a beautiful island
INDO TALES - EPISODE 36 Beautiful jungle river, frying fish and catching bats..
INDO TALES - EPISODE 20 Red bass day!!!!!!!!!!
INDO TALES - EPISODE 30 Mangrove jacks and our host cooking a traditional fish dish ( kuah kuning )
INDO TALES - EPISODE 9 Nice day of spearfishing and dinning at the old fisherman's house
INDO TALES - EPISODE 2 Jungle river, fishing with nets and grilling fish on a remote island beach