IC Berlin rear view: In full acceleration through Lelystad - Ride Along -
IC Berlin plows through Lelystad Centrum full speed, warning a passenger on the approach - Fly-by -
Brutal 'Serie 1700' acceleration soundcheck on the IC Berlin through Lelystad - Passage -
The Frühlings-Express plows full speed through a windy Lelystad Centrum - Fly-by -
IC Berlin rear view: Crossing the IJsselbridge and converging with the Veluwelijn - Ride Along-
Brutal Serie 1700 soundcheck on full speed IC Berlin passage - Fly-by -
BIJZONDER IC Berlijn vertrekt uit Lelystad Centrum!
ICMm vs. Nunspeet Part 2 - Fly-by -
[4K] Cabinerit (achteruit) IC Berlijn door Zwolle, Lelystad en tussen Almere en Amsterdam 3-7-2022
Full speed Stadler WINK in diesel mode - Fly-by -
Einfahrt ÖBB IC Berlin Lichtenberg......nach Wien
Ausfahrt ÖBB IC von Berlin Lichtenberg nach Wien Berlin 2022
Flying through Nunspeet, on the way to Zwolle onboard the ICMm - Ride Along -
Mat '64 / Plan V passes Hardenberg; like going back in time - Passage -
ICE 3M passes Duiven, while a GTW-D arrives; When international meets a lighttrain - Passage -
Durchfahrt IC in Günzburg auf Gleis 2
IC E 1530 HLE 1806 + 1882
ICMm vs. Beilen: 7 cars thunder in from behind - Fly-by -
One of the most scenic GTW-D shots I took last year - Departure -
ICE 3M flies through Deurne, while a mixed freight train takes the stage - Fly-by -