How and Why We Rebuilt Auto-scaling in OpenFaaS with Prometheus - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS Ltd
Monitoring with Prometheus and limitations at scale
Build and scale a Python function with OpenFaaS
Scaling Prometheus: How We Got Some Thanos Into Cortex - Thor Hansen, HashiCorp & Marco Pracucci
Accelerating the Journey of an AI Algorithm to Production with OpenFaaS - Joost Noppen & Alex Ellis
Kubernetes Happy Hour : Open FaaS
Introducing Google Cloud's new managed service for Prometheus
Data science serverless-style with R and OpenFaaS
OpenFaaS: Serverless platform with no strings attached? - Andreas Mosti - NDC Oslo 2020
WebAssembly + OpenFaas, the Universal Runtime for Serverless Functions - Ramiro Berrelleza, Okteto
Local Serverless Functions Deployment [Kubernetes + OpenFaas]
OpenFaaS running container functions on AWS Lambda
FaaS - OpenFaaS application, Installation, Execution
Creating a SERVERLESS Function in 30 SECONDS! With OpenFaaS
OpenFaaS Roundtable - Istio, Multi-user and stateless microservices
Deploy your own OpenFaaS Cloud
OpenFaaS - Operator/FaaS-Fargate/Java Template/Native pip/gem builds
Maintaining OpenFaaS with CNCF Ambassador Alex Ellis · Episode #25
OpenFaaS: serverless self-hosted, made simple? - Alexander Köhler, inovex
6 Serverless Computing with OpenLambda