herO vs Dark on the new Balance Patch (REFORGED) - StarCraft 2
herO vs Dark are breaking the game (NEW PATCH) - StarCraft 2 Finals
This Dark vs herO finals is AMAZING! New Starcraft 2 balance patch
HERO vs DARK: Testing the NEW Patch and Maps (Bo7 PvZ) - StarCraft 2
herO vs Dark - StarCraft 2 Finals
NEW BALANCE PATCH UPDATE! (They actually nerfed Ghosts!)
First StarCraft 2 Finals on the NEW Balance Patch! (herO vs GuMiho)
The new balance patch Liberator is insanity. StarCraft 2
herO vs Dark - new patch but each game gets cheesier - StarCraft 2 Finals
Dark vs herO back at it again! StarCraft 2 Finals
herO vs Dark - INSANE StarCraft 2 Finals!
BUT... They're Kind Of CRAZY | Starcraft 2 Balance Patch
StarCraft 2: BRAND NEW Map Pool - herO vs Dark! (Grand Finals)
StarCraft 2: NEW PATCH - Parasitic Bomb on COLOSSUS?! (Dark vs herO)
Dark's INSANE first game on the NEW StarCraft 2 balance patch!
herO vs ByuN - AMAZING Finals on the new patch! StarCraft 2
The NEW StarCraft 2 Balance Patch!
StarCraft 2: The End of Protoss? (New Balance Patch)
10/24 balance patch overview - The good, The bad, and the INSANE!