Great C++ is_trivial: trivial type traits - Jason Turner - CppCon 2023
Great C++ is_trivial - Jason Turner - CppCon 2019
C++Now 2018: Arthur O'Dwyer “The Best Type Traits that C++ Doesn't Have”
Concepts, Type Traits and Specialization
Scala General Type Projections are Unsound... What?!
Danila Kutenin — C++ STL best and worst performance features and how to learn from them
C++ STL best and worst performance features and how to learn from them - Danila Kutenin [ C++onSea ]
Trivial Pursuit: Try Not To Laugh #6 (Chosen Edition)
Joe Huxford: Generalized loop braiding stat. in 3+1d top. phases: the case of twisted lattice gauge
Zero overhead pass by value through invocable abstractions - Filipp Gelman
A Tour of C++ Recognised User Type Categories - Nina Ranns - CppCon 2022
[TPM] 2020-09-18 Yilong Wang: Modular categories with transitive Galois actions
Manuel Krannich, Pontryagin—Weiss classes and diffeomorphisms of discs., 1/3, GeoTop Masterclass
A Tour of C++ Recognised User Type Categories - Nina Ranns - ACCU 2023
The triviality of ontology partially considered: Permissivism about abstracta
A totally constexpr standard library - Paul Keir, Joel Falcou et al - Meeting C++ 2022
Inbal Levi Exploration of C++20 Meta Programming
Amélia Liao: "Cubical types for the working formalizer"
Visual C++ STL Code Review: GH-2158, Extend memcpy, memmove and memcmp optimizations
Trivial Pursuit: Try Not To Laugh #7