GeeCON Prague 2018: Hugh McKee - 7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS
GeeCON Prague 2018: Nitsan Wakart - Allocation - Mechanics, Profiling & Optimization
Reactive Summit 2020: Hugh McKee, How to Build Megaservices -- High Throughput Microservices
Hugh McKee - 7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS
Clustered Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java (Hugh McKee, USA)
Why I Love Akka - Hugh McKee
Microservices Design Patterns, Hugh McKee at Scalac's Event
J-Spring 2019: Allard Buijze - Microservices with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing Using Axon Framework
Akka Framework with @mckeeh3 and @ypoirier
Microservices Meetup Munich - Reactive DDD—When Concurrent Waxes Fluent
Adam Warski - Streams: reactive? functional? Or: akka- & scalaz- streams side-by-side?
Evolution of ads management platform architecture from Akka Cluster to Akka Streams Kafka
Roland Kuhn Akka Typed: Between Session Types and the Actor Model Curry On
Implementing CQRS with Akka. Michał Tomański. ScalaUA2017