GH 12.08.00 - Sonny tries to calm Zander down
GH 11.28.00 - Alan confronts Zander at the PCPD
GH 09.28.00 - Gia's afraid to face her mother with the truth
GH 11.30.00 - Taggert urges Zander to confess; the dead rat
GH 12.29.00 - Alan makes an appeal to Z; Z needs a place
S&C 12-26-00 part 2
GH 11.17.00 - Zander decides not to testify and meets Sonny
GH 10.25.00 - Emily asks Alexis to represent Zander
GH - PCPD Scenes - 03.04.10
Robert DiTillio as MOBSTER
GH 04.02.03_2 - Em tells Zander she just wants to be friends
09-12-11 Anthony Scenes.wmv
GH 11.28-29.01 - Sonny asks Z to watch Carly; Z approaches Carly
Sonny & Brenda - Luke breaks up a fight between Mike & Sonny
GH 07.04.02a - Zander tells Liz about Florida
Taggert suspects Zander
GH 01.29.02 - Carly finds out Sonny fired Zander
GH 09.06.01b - Zander maintains he wants to work for Sonny