GH 03.14.01 - Luke insists that Helena is still a danger
GH 03.14.02 - Helena fakes an illness to get out of jail
GH 03.14.02a - Gia is concerned about Nik going after Sonny
GH 9-17-10 PART 4
GH 07.25.00a - Segment 1
GH 06.05.01 - Scott tries to be optimistic about Laura not going back to Luke
GH 06.04.01 - Mac and Felicia try to reconnect
11-23-15 (2) nuJaSam - I'm Not Gonna Stop
GH 12.24.01a - Segment 1
American woman, young daughter freed after being kidnapped in Haiti
GH - Luke and Laura 1979 - THE Music/Quitting p.1
General Hospital: November 12, 2001 - Alexis dances
Two Beds and a Coffee Machine-GH AR Luke, Laura, Lucky, Nik
GH 06.05.01 - Felicia tells Laura she loves Luke
Luke & Laura's Wedding || Marry You {Happy Anniversary}
GH halloween 2002ish
Nikolas and Gia Story (Part 32) || General Hospital
GH - Luke and Laura 2002 - The Mine p.1
Stefan + Laura - I would have moved Heaven and Earth to keep you
GH 06.04.01 - Felicia finds Luke on the docks with a gun