GEN Ruler Jhin vs Yasuo Bot - KR Patch 10.25
Gen Ruler JHIN vs YASUO ADC - Patch 10.1 KR Ranked
Gen G Ruler beautiful Jhin combo
Gumayusi Hand Cam going ham when playing Draven
Ruler JHIN (ADC) [Fleet Footwork] VS YASUO - Grandmaster KR Patch 10.25
T1 Zeus reacts to TheBaus carrying his Game
Caedrel LOSES It Over GUMAYUSI Baron Steal
T1 Keria SOLO CARRIES Whole Fight
GEN Ruler Jhin vs Senna Bot - KR Patch 10.22
Caedrel Reacts To T1 Keria Picking YASUO
DRX Deft Jhin vs Yasuo Bot - KR Patch 10.24
TLN Hanabi Jhin vs Yasuo Bot - KR Patch 10.25
Streamers React to GUMA's Crazy STEAL
GEN Ruler Jhin vs Kai'Sa Bot - KR Patch 10.25
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GEN Ruler Jhin vs Caitlyn Bot - KR Patch 10.16
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Challenger Jhin Adc vs Yasuo - 챌린저 원딜 진 돌풍 기발 - LOL KR 11.23