GEN Kellin Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.22
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.25
IG Fate Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.24
DFM Gaeng Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.22
JT Nestea Thresh vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.25
Keria is the only Player that uses Double E on Rakan
GEN Kellin Thresh vs IGY Lucas Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Nautilus vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.21
GEN Kellin Thresh vs hyF FireRain Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Blitzcrank Sup - KR Patch 10.22
GEN Kellin Thresh vs T1 Keria Kennen Sup - KR Patch 10.25
GEN Kellin Thresh vs Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Thresh vs GEN Life Tahm Kench Sup - KR Patch 10.25
GEN Kellin Poppy vs Maokai Sup - KR Patch 10.22
VG Hang Thresh vs Karma Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Thresh vs HLE Vsta Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.24
GEN Kellin Thresh vs DWG BeryL Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.19
THRESH & Jhin vs MAOKAI & Kai'Sa (SUPPORT) | 600+ games, 2/1/5, 1.1M mastery | KR Diamond | v11.1
DRX Deft Sona vs GEN Kellin Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.16
T1 Keria "BEST SUPPORT WORLD" Montage | League of Legends