GEN Kellin Thresh vs DWG BeryL Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.19
DWG BeryL Pantheon vs Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.19
DWG BeryL Sett vs Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.17
DWG BeryL Thresh vs Nautilus Sup - KR Patch 10.19
DWG BeryL Pantheon vs DWG Hoit Leona Sup - KR Patch 10.19
DWG BeryL Thresh vs GRF Naehyun Lulu Sup - KR Patch 10.13
GEN Kellin Thresh vs T1 Keria Kennen Sup - KR Patch 10.25
SB Kabbie Thresh vs Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.25
GEN Kellin Leona vs Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.25
TL CoreJJ Thresh vs Pantheon Sup - KR Patch 10.19
hyF Minit Thresh vs Sett Sup - KR Patch 10.25
Damwon's Beryl and Ghost Make a MOCKERY of INF WhiteLotus - DK vs. INF (MSI)
GEN Kellin Alistar vs Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.25
GEN Life Jarvan IV vs GEN Kellin Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.17
T1 Effort Thresh vs GEN Kellin Janna Sup - KR Patch 10.14
GEN Kellin Lux vs SB Kabbie Karma Sup - KR Patch 10.17
DWG Hoit Senna vs DWG ShowMaker Thresh Sup - KR Patch 10.17
DWG Hoit Pantheon vs Pyke Sup - KR Patch 10.17
TES yuyanjia Thresh vs Bard Sup - KR Patch 10.15
KT Kuro Pantheon vs Braum Sup - KR Patch 10.17