Głos Kobiety w porodzie - Basia Ciemiega
Amateur Dramatics: Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Melody
Webinaria "Mamy głos..." w najbliższym czasie - webinaria dla kobiet w ciąży i po porodzie
Labor nurses aren't all the same #laboranddelivery
Sneezing during pregnancy? #shorts
Poród anatomicznie
Make sure your VOICE is heard. It's your pregnancy! #pregnancy #babieshealth #midwife #birth #tips
%longbirth #prodromallabor #doula #voicesofeve #firsttimemom #firstborn #labor #birth #csectionmom
Czas na usłyszenie głosu kobiet!
Listen to this if you're pregnant and share so you can potentially save a life!
Home births & Mums.
Prawda głosu w porodzie. Rozmowa z Basią Ciemięgą + ćwiczenia do nawiązania kontaktu ze swoim głosem
Transcending the Transition Voice Examining the Innovative Labor Companion App
Listen to this Doula Story!
Sometimes it’s like Whoa 🫣This was NOT in the manual! birth was probably the easy part #365forreels
Every second was worth it though 😅❤ #birth #motherhood #shorts #fyp
Braving Birth Alone: The Unheard Voices of Pandemic Motherhood
Calm, Reassuring Voice "Women have been Giving Birth Since the Beginning of Time, YOU CAN DO THIS”
Holding Hands Through Childbirth #birthstories #podcast #shorts
Cichy głos kobiety