Endoscopic Transfer of Depth-Zero Suprcuspidal L-Packets - Tasho Kaletha
Depth-zero supercuspidal L-packets and their stability
STPM - L-Packets and Endoscopy for p-Adic Groups - Tasho Kaletha
Supercuspidal L-packets
Supercuspidal L-packets - Tasho Kaletha
Ramification of supercuspidal parameters
An explicit supercuspidal local Langlands correspondence - Tasho Kaletha
Regular supercuspidal representations - Tasho Kaletha
Introductory courses on the stable trace formula, with emphasis on SL(2) 10
Endoscopy theory for symplectic and orthogonal similitude groups - Bin Xu
Tasho Kaletha: Representations of reductive groups over local fields
Introductory courses on the stable trace formula, with emphasis on SL(2) 7
Double covers of tori and the local Langlands correspondence - Tasho Kaletha
Introductory courses on the stable trace formula, with emphasis on SL(2) 6
Introductory courses on the stable trace formula, with emphasis on SL(2) 8
Introductory courses on the stable trace formula, with emphasis on SL(2) 9
Practice Video 3
Arthur packet through the trace formula - Bin Xu
Tasho Kaletha - A twisted Yu construction and Harish-Chandra characters - CARTOON Conference
Talk by Charlotte Chan (MIT, USA)