Enders J (Cervantes) VS LeanXTriforcer (Astaroth) - BB: Week 11 (11.06.2020)
Enders J (Cervantes) VS Wind Charmer (Talim) - BB: Week 11 (11.06.2020)
hyruleherojoe (Azwel) VS Enders J (Astaroth, Nightmare) - BB: Week 7 (01.05.2020)
War of the Roses LMNY LeanXTriforcer v Hibachi
LoloMx (Astaroth) VS Enders J (Cervantes) - Online Set (03.07.2020)
Hibachi4020 (Kilik) VS MFcoffee (Maxi) - BB: Week 13 (25.06.2020)
LoloMx (Seong Mi-na) VS Enders J (Cervantes) - TII: The Return (07.03.2020)
Reziek (Yoshimitsu) VS Forsaken Yamato (Cervantes) - BB: Week 10 (28.05.2020)
Deus Kaliya (Zasalamel) VS Raziel (Voldo) - FT5 (12.03.2020)
Soul Calibur VI || Kazui vs LeanXTriforcer || Grand Finals 05.06.2020
Feremuntrus (Zasalamel) VS Hibachi4020 (Kilik) - BB: Week 13 (25.06.2020)
YoshimitsuVI (Yoshimitsu) VS Hibachi4020 (Kilik) - BB: Week 29 (19.11.2020)
LS210x (Amy) VS LeanXTriforcer (Astaroth) - FT10 (08.06.2020)
Soul Calibur VI || LeanXTriforcer vs Kazui || Winners Finals 05.06.2020
FT10 vs Raymondvrc
RonTheTryhard (Yoshimitsu, Zasalamel) VS Exander (Cervantes) - BB: Week 28 (05.11.2020)
BrokenKnight (Seong Mi-na) VS LeanXTriforcer (Astaroth) - FT10 (29.10.2020)
Boom (Yoshimitsu) VS LoloMx (Astaroth) - Online Set (19.02.2019)
CeirnianSC (Azwel) VS Xephukai (Astaroth) - Ranked Battle
Reziek (Yoshimitsu) VS LeanXTriforcer (Astaroth) - FT10 (02.10.2020)