ENG Donghae failed again & Eunhyuk gets embarrassed - EunHae
Donghae failed kick again + recieving yellow and red card
ENG Donghae says ELF are fools - Cute Eunhyuk making sure he talks - EunHae
ENG Eunhyuk refuses to let go Donghae back to Mokpo? - EunHae
ENG Donghae has been hurt by Eunhyuk before - EunHae
ENG Donghae making Eunhyuk (the troll) stop - EunHae
ENG Donghae was Eunhyuk's fan?! - EunHae
Donghae speaks english in Unbelievable Outing
ENG | SPA Donghae misses (his stupid) Eunhyuk - EunHae
ENG Donghae scolds Super Junior & now Eunhyuk is safe - EunHae
110714 Donghae tweeted about "Eunhyuk old man" [ENG SUB] - EunHae
ENG Donghae defending Eunhyuk - EunHae
ENG | SPA Eunhyuk & Donghae shamelessly flirting - EunHae
ENG Eunhyuk likes EunHae the most? (Donghae is not amused) - EunHae
Donghae failed kick
ENG Donghae enjoys torturing Eunhyuk - EunHae
Donghae a failed goal keeper
ENG Eunhyuk hitting Donghae - Aren't they cute? & Hae using his accent - EunHae
ENG "Donghae oppa, I love you" by Eunhyuk - EunHae
ENG Donghae obligates Eunhyuk to do some... weird things? - EunHae