EL Rekkles, H2k Kasing, G2 Gilius & Eika vs. Fnatic Huni & GMB Gosu Pepper - Challenger EUW SoloQ
H2K kaSing and Hjarnan Interview - W3D1 EU LCS Summer 2015 - League of Legends
G2 Gilius 1v3 as Graves
Incarnati0n Ahri, EL Rekkles Leona & H2k Hjärnan Graves - LoL Challenger EUW SoloQ
H2K KaSing thoughts on playing vs Roccat - League of Legends
Gilius Challenger Jungler - LoL Montage
Doublelift and KaSing - Bot Lane Plays - League of Legends
Challenger Chat Finale: G2 Gilius, Dig EU Sencux, OG Veteran - EUCS Playoffs/Relegations
[EU CS] Awesome Triple Kill from G2 Eika against LowLandLions [HD]
[Worlds 2014] Gilius bites more than he can chew.. again
G2 Wadid - Not a Random Korean (Stream Highlights) ft. Hjärnan, Jankos and Perkz
Rudy erklärt, warum er immer "Hi it's Rudy" schreibt | UoL Rudy | EU LCS Interview *untertitelt*
LCS EU 2015 Spring Promotion MIL vs UOL Game 2 Highlights
Rekkles duo Incarnati0n - Sivir vs Corki Bot - League of Legends Full Game
"Der Sieg gegen ROCCAT war eine Erleichterung" | Giants G0DFRED | EU LCS Interview *untertitelt*
"Auf der Stage habe ich ein bisschen mehr Schiss" | Elements Gilius | EU LCS Interview
Huni and Kasing LCS EU Highlights from Fanatic and H2K +MVP OF THE WEEK
Right Place, Right Time: kaSing's Meteoric Rise to LCS Stardom
"Wir haben extrem viel Raum für Verbesserung" | Fnatic Noxiak | EU LCS Interview
EU CS LLL vs G2 Game 1 (EU CS Spring Playoffs Semifinals 2015)