DynaMesh® - ENDOLAP visible von FEG
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D - Animation: TAPP Technique for Treatment of Inguinal Hernia
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D - Animation: Total Extraperitoneal Endoscopic Hernioplasty (TEP)
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP - OR-Video: TAPP technique for Treatment of Inguinal Hernia
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D - OP-Video: TAPP-Technik zur Behandlung der Leistenhernie
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP visible - Animation: MRI visible - 3D Implant Remodelling
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP - OR-Video: Total Extraperitoneal Endoscopic Hernioplasty - TEP
DynaMesh®-PRS - Animation: Colposacropexy
DynaMesh® MRI - Animation: MRI Reconstruction with DynaMesh®-PRS visible
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP 3D - OR-Video: Total Extraperitoneal Endoscopic Hernioplasty - TEP
DynaMesh®-IPOM - Animation: The 3 Key Aspects for DynaMesh®-IPOM (best practice example)
DynaMesh®-PR - Animation: Colposacropexy
DynaMesh® MRI - Animation: MRI Reconstruction with DynaMesh®-PRP visible
DynaMesh® - ENDOLAP 3D von FEG
DynaMesh®-ENDOLAP - OP-Video: TAPP-Technik zur Behandlung der Leistenhernie
DynaMesh®-PRP visible 03 cm x 18 cm - OR-Video: Hysteropectopexy - Fixation Posterior
DynaMesh®-CESA - Animation: Cervicosacropexy - Bilateral Fixation - Level Promontory
DynaMesh®-PRS - OR-Video: Laparoscopic Cervicosacropexy for the Treatment of Descensus Uteri
DynaMesh®-IPST OR-Video: Parastomal hernia repair with intraperitoneal mesh placement
DynaMesh®-PRS soft - OR-Video: DynaMesh®-PRS soft – Sacrocolpopexy by Robotic Surgery