The Winning Mind Golf: Slow on the Golf Course
Dr. Robert Winters - "Playing Target Golf"
Dr. Robert Winters Explains Learned Optimism
Dr. Robert Winters - "Fear"
7 Keys to Playing Great Golf with Dr. Bob Winters
Sports Psychologist Dr. Robert Winters discusses Mistake-Free Golf and The A Swing
Dr. Bob Winters - Mental Time out
Dr. Robert Winters on the Importance of Belief
Dr. Bob Winters Explains Expectations
Dr. Robert Winters - Doubt
Dr. Bob Winters of The Leadbetter Golf Academy and Hurricane Junior Golf Tour
Dr. Bob Winters - The Confidence Doctor
The Winning Mind Golf: Red Light, Green Light
Dr.Bob Winters GolfRing
The Winning Mind Golf: Letting Go
Dr. Bob Winters on Releasing the Genius Within | Under the Hat
Mental Training mit Dr Bob Winters
Dr. Bob Winters on The Learning Curve
Developing a Tournament Mindset with Sports Psych Dr. Bob Winters | Golfzon Leadbetter
"One Shot Mindset" with Dr. Bob Winters | Golfzon Leadbetter