Dewfall 628 - He gave Himself for you
Dewfall 628 - Come to me,all you that are weary
Dewfall 629 - Strive first for the Kingdom of God
Dewfall 630 - Think about these things
Dewfall 627 - I will hear them from heaven
@FrJosephEdattuVC @DivineUKOfficial
Dewfall 623 - The power of fasting
Dewfall 1038 - If you pray like this, your prayer cannot be denied
Dewfall 600 - All generations will call be blessed
Dewfall 632 - Whoever is faithful in little, is faithful in much
Dewfall 622 - Do not worry about anything
Dewfall 608 - This is only a testing period
Dewfall 638 - We are what He has made us
Dewfall 789 - I will heal your wounds
Dewfall 624 - You will do the works that I do
Dewfall 618 - Take up the shield of faith
Dewfall 631 - You have authority over the power of the enemy
Dewfall 601 - The time is near
Dewfall 610 - Pray like Job did