Dewfall 547 - To whom does your heart belong?
Dewfall 548 - Are you worried about money?
Dewfall 553 - The connection between Joseph and Jesus
Dewfall 544 - What are you using your money for?
Dewfall 549 - God will exalt you, if you humble yourself
Dewfall 546 - Do you get nightmares?
Dewfall 825 - You are made to be holy
Dewfall 550 - What is God’s aim?
Dewfall 545 - Have this attitude at Holy Mass
Dewfall 448 - I have no time to pray
Dewfall 557 - You are forgiven
Dewfall 561 - In moments of crisis, be patient
Dewfall 531 - What does God want?
Dewfall 540 - Extramarital affairs
Dewfall 624 - You will do the works that I do