Dewfall 396 - On exploiting others
Dewfall 395 - Excuses, excuses!
Dewfall 397 - Do you dwell on disputes?
Dewfall 535 - Why are you crying?
Dewfall 398 - “I only commit a few small sins”
Dewfall 399 - Be in the Fathers house
Dewfall 400 - The treasure which protects you
Dewfall 39 - On seeking revenge
Dewfall 388 - Keep your heart clean
Dewfall 565 - Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord
Dewfall 374 - Sanctify your surroundings
Dewfall 100 - Here is your Mother
Dewfall 439 - Men, this is your duty
Dewfall 386 - In all your ways, acknowledge Him
Dewfall 389 - I will bless the Lord at all times
Dewfall 538 - In the name of Jesus
Dewfall 242 - This is what happens when you forgive
Dewfall 487 - Above all, clothe yourselves with love
Dewfall 394 - The importance of Mother Mary