Dewfall 227 - If you are something, it is because of Jesus
Dewfall 228 - How to turn your job into a blessing
Dewfall 176 - You shall be my treasured possession
Dewfall 226 - How do I know if I have fear of the Lord?
Dewfall 229 - All the lazy ones, listen to this Word
Dewfall 65 - Serve the Lord with fear
Dewfall 225 - Pride goes before destruction
Dewfall 216 - Why is this happening to me?
Dewfall 234 - If you stand for Christ, there will be people to stand with you
Dewfall 402 - This is the one to whom I will look
Dewfall 809 - The Holy Spirit will intercede for you
Dewfall 233 - Simple steps to overcome pride
Dewfall 272 - Have you reached the wrong conclusion?
Dewfall 231 - Be a Donkey for Christ
Dewfall 9 - Beware your weakness
Dewfall 223 - Rekindle the Holy Spirit
Dewfall 535 - Why are you crying?
Dewfall 236 - What’s wrong with a little extra sleep?
Dewfall 812 - Make sure your eyes are fixed on this