Dewfall 163 - Wait patiently for the Lord
Dewfall 164 - "You have spoken harsh words against me"
Dewfall 165 - Do not be troubled
Unlock God's Promises: a blessing to begin your day (Day 163) - Fr Paul Pallichamkudiyil VC
Dewfall 169 - How to unite your family
Dewfall 168 - The husband and wife relationship
Dewfall 287 - Strive for holiness!
Dewfall 166 - Is it okay to play violent games?
Dewfall 157 - Create in me a clean heart, O God
Dewfall 66 - The more difficult, the more the grace
Dewfall 178 - There is no excuse!
Dewfall 162 - The biggest blessing
Dewfall 167 - On looking after parents
Dewfall 160 - The preshadow of Mount Calvary
Dewfall 72 - This is my comfort in my distress
Dewfall 161 - The Eucharist
Dewfall 170 - A child’s happiest memories
Dewfall 153 - What is religion to you?