Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Community. Why it is so important? - Andriy Rymar
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Designers & Developers: Finding common ground for effective collaboration
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Developer mentality in Software quality [UA] - Iryna Pap
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: What does it take to be architect - Konstantin Slisenko
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: The state of typed front-end - Daniil Drobot
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: New opportunities for Java developers with GraalVM - Alina Yurenko
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Inside the Earth’s Coolest Datacentres - Jamie Coleman
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: How to build strong skills with Kata [UA] - Taras Boychuk
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Feature Evolution in Java 13 and Beyond - Cay Horstmann
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Kubernetes Serverless or Serverfull - Burr Sutter
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Jakarta EE: Past, Present and Future - Ivar Grimstad, Sebastian Daschner
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Building fault tolerant applications with Kubernetes and Istio - Serge Bishyr
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: The Spring BOF - Oleh Dokuka, Stéphane Nicoll
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Micro-frontends: Is it a Silver Bullet? - Liron Cohen
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Working with and Contributing back to Open Source Projects - Philipp Krenn
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Coding That Sparks Joy with Quarkus - Edson Yanaga
Devoxx Ukraine 2019 - Distributed HTTP Caching in Cloud Native - Alparslan Avci
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: What would You do with a Million Cores? High Performance Computing on AWS
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Backend For Frontend: The Missing Manual - Nikita Galkin
Devoxx Ukraine 2019: Optimizing Performance of Java Applications with GraalVM - Alina Yurenko