DRX Pyosik Lee Sin vs OZ Juhan Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.22
DRX Pyosik Lee Sin vs OZ Juhan Rek'Sai Jungle - KR Patch 10.13
OZ Juhan Lee Sin vs DRX Pyosik Kindred Jungle - KR Patch 10.14
DRX Pyosik GRAVES vs REK'SAI Jungle - Patch 10.12 KR Ranked
Gen Clid GRAVES vs LEE SIN Jungle - Patch 10.12 KR Ranked
DRX Pyosik Lee Sin vs Kha'Zix Jungle - KR Patch 10.23
DRX Pyosik Lillia vs OZ Juhan Nidalee Jungle - KR Patch 10.19
DRX Pyosik EKKO vs HECARIM Jungle - Patch 10.12 KR Ranked
Kayn vs Graves DRX Pyosik JUNGLE (19/1/3) Gameplay Replay - Patch 10.24
T1 Ellim Lee Sin vs OZ Juhan Lillia Jungle - KR Patch 10.24
DRX Pyosik KINDRED vs XIN ZHAO Jungle - Patch 10.13 KR Ranked
OZ Juhan Kindred vs Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.21
DRX Pyosik EKKO vs DIANA Jungle - Patch 10.13 KR Ranked
DRX Pyosik Kindred vs Lillia Jungle - KR Patch 10.24
DRX Pyosik Kindred vs T1 Oner Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.14
OZ Juhan Trundle vs BCO Once Graves Jungle - KR Patch 10.12
PYOSIK IS SO GOOD WITH KINDRED! - DRX Pyosik Plays Kindred Jungle vs Nidalee! | KR SoloQ Patch 10.22
CLID IS SO INSANE WITH GRAVES! - GEN Clid Plays Graves Jungle vs Karthus! | KR SoloQ Patch 10.22
TES Karsa Nidalee vs OZ Juhan Jarvan IV Jungle - KR Patch 10.12