DRX Deft Vayne vs Betty Ezreal Bot - KR Challenger Patch 10.11
DRX Deft Aphelios vs Progamer Stitch Ezreal Bot - KR Patch 10.13
RNG Betty Ezreal vs ppgod Maokai Bot - KR Challenger Patch 10.11
DRX Deft Ezreal vs Kai'Sa Bot - KR Patch 10.24
SB Route Lucian vs DRX Deft Vayne Bot - KR Patch 10.24
Royal Never Give Up Betty Bot Miss Fortune vs Ezreal - KR Grandmaster Patch 10.9
【RNG UZI】小狗偶遇圣枪哥在对面一发543暴击带走,对不起了炫君!
Filthy Zoe player dies like the degenerate she is
DRX Deft KALISTA vs CASSIOPEIA Bot - Patch 10.11 KR Ranked
DRX Deft Jinx vs SB Route Kai'Sa Bot - KR Patch 10.24
Miss Fortune vs Aphelios ADC - 10.23 Challenger
KT Aiming Vayne vs Kai'Sa Bot - KR Patch 10.25
RNG Betty Miss Fortune vs Ashe Bot - KR GrandMaster Patch 10.10
Ezreal vs Caitlyn ADC [ Gen G Ruler ] Patch 12.1 Ranked Korea ✅
[4K] LOL Challenger Zoe Middle (18/6/12) Ep373
SB Leo Vayne vs Kai'Sa Bot - KR Patch 10.23
DWG Nuclear Ezreal vs Ruler Ashe Bot - KR GrandMaster Patch 10.11
RNG Able Ashe vs T1 Teddy Ezreal Bot - KR Patch 10.13
DEFT IS THE NEW ADC FOR HLE! - HLE Deft Plays Lucian ADC vs Jhin! | Preseason 11 Patch 10.24 SoloQ
MAD Humanoid Plays Ryze vs Twisted Fate Mid Lane - 10.11