The Toxic Prodigy Who Was Given 7 Second Chances
Doublelift's opinion on Dardoch
2016 Dardoch was WILD
Dardoch disrespects TL CEO
Infamous League Players - Dardoch
How Good Was Dardoch Really?
Dardoch Writes (XD) in all chat with Nemesis and LS opinion on it
Best of Dardoch | The Reformed Jungler - League of Legends
Doublelift,Sneaky and Meteos react to this long Reddit Post about Dardoch
Yassuo with a clean flash prediction on Dardoch's stream
Dardoch with the Lee play of the series
DIG vs 100 LCS Highlights - Dardoch laughing as they lose 3-0
Dardoch with the Clean Graves Combo
IWDominate tells us why he got benched for Dardoch - League of Legends
Dardoch Insane Lee Sin Play
Doublelift on Dardoch's Uniqueness
dardoch - just pick me whatever
Dardoch - Lee Sin Plays ft Bjergsen - League of Legends
Insane Dardoch pentakill on Yassuo's stream
Nemesis: Dardoch can't speak European, he can't come to EU