Civil War 125th Anniv. "Battle of Chickamauga" 1988 - Re-enacting Retro
Civil War 125th Anniv. "Battle of Vicksburg" 1988 - Re-enacting Retro
26th NC Fife & Drum at 125th Anniversary Battle of Chickamauga, September 1988
Re-enacting Retro TV NEWS "125th Anniversary" Summer 1988 - Pt. 1
Civil War 125th Anniv. Battle of Spotsylvania 1989 - Re-enacting Retro
125th Anniversary, Wilderness
Civil War 125th Anniversary "Battles In The Wilderness" - Re-enacting Retro
Civil War "Battle of Chickamauga" 145th Anniversary Re-enactment Footage
Civil War 125th Anniv. "Battle of Shiloh" 1987 - Re-enacting Retro
Thousands arrive for Battle of Chickamauga re-enactment
Re-enacting Retro TV NEWS "Battle of Gettysburg 125th" 1988
Battle of Chickamauga reenactment, Sept. 22, 2013
Civil War 125th Anniversary Battle of Cedar Mountain - Re-enacting Retro
Civil War 125th Anniv. "Petersburg: The Battle of Crater" - Re-enacting Retro 1990
Civil War 125th "The Battle of Chancellorsville” - Re-enacting Retro 1988
Battle of Chickamauga reenactment
Re-enacting Retro - 125th Anniversary Gettysburg Re-enactment - PT. 1
Scenes from the Chickamauga battle reenactment. Sept. 22, 2013
Re-enacting Retro - 125th Anniversary Gettysburg Re-enactment - PT. 2
Walking Through History: 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga