Christina Hoff Sommers: Schools Are Hostile to Boys' Instincts
Christina Hoff Sommers DISMANTLES Toxic Masculinity Argument
Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia: The full interview | VIEWPOINT
Christina Hoff Sommers Explains Why Boys Are Falling Behind
Christina Hoff Sommers | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Christina Hoff Sommers on how Feminism went awry
Jordan Peterson and Christina Hoff Sommers on the Western canon of literature | VIEWPOINT
Christina Hoff Sommers on "The Tyranny of Niceness"
Christina Hoff Sommers: Feminism Used To Be Liberal, But Now It’s Marxist
Christina Hoff Sommers: Why there are fewer female math teachers
Has feminism gone too far? — with Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia (1994) | THINK TANK
Christina Hoff Sommers: Modern Feminism Ignores Working-Class Men
Threat to Serious Feminist Issues | Christina Hoff Sommers
How different are men and women? — with Christina Hoff Sommers (1995) | THINK TANK
Christina Hoff Sommers & Sir Roger Scruton: Free speech, philosophy, and art | VIEWPOINT
United States and India: Two of the world's worst countries for women? | FACTUAL FEMINIST
Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia on the absence of biology in gender studies | VIEWPOINT
Christina Hoff Sommers & Stuart Taylor: College rape culture & the death of due process | VIEWPOINT
Christina Hoff Sommers on How The Illiberal Left Changed Feminism | The Megyn Kelly Show
Christina Hoff Sommers: The War on Boys