Chazan Moshe Haschel - Greatest Sheva Brochos - February 1996
Chazan Moshe Haschel.wmv
Eishes Chayil sung by Chazan Moshe Haschel.wmv
Chazonim Oif Probe - Moshe Stern
Cantor Moshe Haschel: Zachreinu L'chaim
The Neimah Singers - Kaddish
Chazzan Moshe Stern - "Haneshama Lach" - Selichot clip #1
Cantor Moshe Haschel: Kel Malei | Holocaust Memorial Prayer
Moshe Haschel - El Malei Rachamim
Modim (Lov) part 2 - Moshe Haschel and the Neimah Singers conducted by Marc Temerlies
Hammavir Banav - Moshe Haschel and the Neimah Singers conducted by Marc Temerlies
Moshe Haschel & Moshe Stern: Yibaneh Hamikdash
Yiboneh HaMikdash - Moshe Haschel and Moshe Stern
The Neimah Singers - Hallelu and Hodu
Moshe Haschel & The Neimah Singers sing Verastich Li.wmv
Umipenei Chataeinu - Moshe Haschel and the Neimah Singers conducted by Marc Temerlies
Modim (Lov) part 1 - Moshe Hachel and the Neimah Singers conducted by Marc Temerlies
Moshe Haschel & The Neimah Singers Singing Mi Adir.wmv