Intro to Catullus
One sparrow died in the making of this Latin lyric poem
Your Daily Penguin: Catullus!
Anne Carson: A Rustle of Catullus
Roman Politics and Poetry: Cicero and Catullus
Catullus - The Poet of Love | Documentary
Five Poems by Catullus, read in Latin and my English translation
Rome: Pompey's Funeral, Caesar Recites Catullus - Latin and English subtitles
Conversing the Classics - Catullus
Catullus Introductory Lecture
Catullus, Poem 64 (The marriage of Peleus and Thetis) :: Catullus, Carmen LXIV
Catullus 16: A Roman Poem So Dirty It Was Censored For Years.
Catullus: De Attide
Catullus' Love Song
LATIN POETRY Catullus 101 (Elegiac couplet)
Catullus 85
Allen Ginsberg Reads Catullus. Translated by and introduced by Jacob Rabinowitz
Catullus 5 "Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus" (Classical Latin Poem)
Catullus 101 - "Frater, Ave atque Vale"
Catullus XXXI "Paene insularum, Sirmio, insularumque"