CNCFMinutes 4 - Keptn
CNCFMinutes 2 - Thanos (HA Prometheus solution for Kubernetes)
CNCFMinutes 3 - Harbor
CNCFMinutes 5 - Longhorn
CNCFMinutes 1 - OPA (Open Policy Agent )
Prometheus Monitoring for Kubernetes (CNCFMinutes 10)
CNCFMinutes - Kubernetes, Flux & Falco | Saiyam Pathak | AWS UG Bengaluru
KubeVela - Walkthrough (CNCFMinutes 24)
Kured - Kubernetes Reboot Daemon (CNCFMinutes 25)
Zot registry - OCI native container image registry (CNCFMinutes 27)
Behold: A New Way to Deploy Pod Security Policies Using Kyverno! - Abhinav Sinha, Nirmata
Litmus - Chaos Engineering for Kubernetes (CNCFMinutes 9)
Helm - Package manager for Kubernetes (CNCFMinutes 14)
OSM (Open Service Mesh) - CNCFMinutes 15
DevOps All the Things: Creating a Pipeline to Validate Your OPA Policies - Goran Osim
Putting Chaos Into Continuous Delivery to Increase App... Juergen Etzlstorfer & Karthik Satchitanand
Kyverno - Kubernetes native policy management (CNCFMinutes 8)
Containerd - An open and reliable container runtime (CNCFMinutes 18)
Crossplane - Provisioning infrastructure using Kubernetes API(CNCFMinutes 17)
ArgoCD - Walkthrough (CNCFMinutes 21)