CLG Doublelift VS C9 Sneaky - NA LCS Summer Week 1 featured matchup
CLG Doublelift and C9 sneaky 1 v 1
Doublelift vs Sneaky 1v1
CLG Doublelift(Kalista) vs C9 Sneaky(Draven) - NA Duo with Aphromoo
CLG vs C9 Doublelift Sneaky 1v1
THE TRIGGERING (LCS 2022 CoStreams | Summer Split | Playoffs: Day 2 | CLG vs C9)
CLG Doublelift (Vayne) OUT PLAYS C9 Sneaky (Lucian)
CLG Doublelift(Graves) vs C9 Sneaky(Ashe) - NA Duo with Aphromoo
Sneaky almost 1v5 Pentakill | C9 vs CLG | NA LCS Week 8 Day 2
CLG Doublelift vs C9 Sneaky - Kalista Morgana vs Varus Vel'Koz
CLG Doublelift Jinx 1v2 outplay - against rush and impact
Doublelift level 1 open mid fight ft C9 Sneaky
High Elo Challenger ADC Montage - Ft. C9 Sneaky, GMB P1noy, CLG Doublelift, Zvanillan and more
Doublelift Lucian insane kiting vs Cloud 9 in Game 4 - League of Legends
CLG Doublelift and C9 sneaky 1v1 HQ
d Shiphtur, CLG Doublelift, C9 Meteos & LMQ Vasilii (Double Penta!) vs. C9 Sneaky - LoL NA SoloQ
Doublelift Ashe Pentakill - CLG vs C9 Highlight
Doublelift reads CLG Broxah's Depressing Tweets with Sneaky and Meteos
DoubleLift vs C9 Sneaky - Twitch vs Ezreal - top «Boss» [R/m] [Duo w/HotShotGG] (Diamond I)
C9 Sneaky Kalista VS CLG Doublelift Sivir Highlights {EPIC} 2015 NA LCS Summer