CGI 3D Animated Short Film: "A Fruity Tale" by A Fruity Tale Team | CGMeetup
CGI Animated Short Film: "Watermelon A Cautionary Tale" by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short "The Right Way" - by Elena Zobak Alekperov & Flavia Groba Bandeira
A CGI 3D Short Film: "Plum" - by ESMA | TheCGBros
CGI Animated Short Film HD "Dust Buddies " by Beth Tomashek & Sam Wade | CGMeetup
Fruitless Efforts: Fruit of the Womb
CGI **Award Winning** 3D Animated Short: "A Fox And A Mouse" - by ESMA | TheCGBros
(Piper) A JOY STORY - Oscar winning short film
CGI 3D Animated Short: "Watermelon: A Cautionary Tale" - by Connie Qin He + Ringling | TheCGBros
CGI **Award-Winning** 3D Animated Short : "Soar" - by Alyce Tzue | TheCGBros
CGI Animated Short Film: "Don't Croak" by Daun Kim | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short: "Eggs Change" - by Hee Won Ahn + Ringling | TheCGBros
CGI 3D Animated Short Films : "Fruits N Veg Show" - by Thomas Thistlethwaite 3DS | TheCGBros
Carrot Crazy
CGI 3D Animated Short: "Irma" - by Team Fruit Punch | TheCGBros
CGI 3D Animated Short: "A Fruity tale" - by The Fruity tale Team
The Fox and the Bird - CGI short film by Fred and Sam Guillaume
Toast - Animated Short Film by GULU
CGI 3D Animated Short: "Eat Your Veggies" - by Lianne Maritzer
CGI Animated Short: "Runaway" - by Susan Yung, Emily Springer, Esther Parobek + Ringling | TheCGBros