CESC2017 - Rosario Gennaro - Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payments
CESC2017 - Sinclair Davidson - What is a Token?
CESC2017 - Alessandro Chiesa - Zerocash
CESC2017 - Silvio Micali - ALGORAND
CESC2017 - Jae Kwon - Keynote
CESC2017 - Balaji Srinivasan - Quantifying Decentralization
CESC2017 - Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias - Scalable and Efficient Distributed Ledgers
CESC2017 - Rafael Pass - Thunderella
CESC2017 - Vlad Zamfir - Cryptoeconomics in Casper
CESC2017 - Leemon Baird - Hashgraph Security and Attack Resilience
CESC2017 - Steven Goldfeder - Escrow Protocols
CESC2017 - Karl Floersch - Casper Proof of Stake
CESC2017 - Ratul Saha - Power Splitting Games in Distributed Computation
CESC2017 - Benedikt Bünz - Proofs-of-Delay and Randomness Beacons in Ethereum
CESC2017 - Philipp Jovanovic - Scalable Bias-Resistant Distributed Randomness
CESC2017 - Yoad Lewenberg - Bitcoin Mining Pools
CESC U8 Girls Red vs Bavarians Real Madrid
CESC2017 - Joshua Boehm - Keynote
CESC2017 - Patrick McCorry - A Smart Contract for Boardroom Voting with Privacy
CESC2017 - Ryan Zurrer - Keepers