CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock: Jack fakes Diane's death - Jemery leaves Genoa
Shock Jack notices Diane's evil face after Phyllis' death Young And The Restless Spoilers Next Week
Y&R Spoilers Jack attack Phyllis when she fakes death - wants her to go to jail instead of Diane
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Phyllis creates a fake funeral for herself - Diane fears ghosts
The Young And The Restless Spoilers Tucker helps Ashley expose Diane's fake face to Jack
Young and the Restless Spoilers: Sally's Secret Makes Victor Furious, Diane's Fake Death Exposed
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock Leanna Love created fake article - defame Diane
Big Shock Phyllis exposes Diane's face, wins Jack's heart The Young And The Restless Spoilers
CBS Y&R Spoilers Shock Phyllis dies after being attacked - Jemery is angry and wants to kill Diane
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Diane fakes Phyllis DNA test results - Jemery is the mastermind
CBS Y&R Spoilers Shock Jack begs Phyllis for forgiveness for kissing Diane, it was just an accident
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Diane Creates Harrison Kidnap - With Jeremy Blackmail Jack
Shock Jack Faces Betrayal of Adam and Diane Young And The Restless Spoilers Next 2 Week
The Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock The police called Diane and asked why she faked her death
CBS Young And The Restless Spoiler Diane saves Jemery from death - pretends to be an ally of Phyllis
CBS Young And The Restless Phyllis mysteriously missing - Jack secretly follows Diane and Jemery
CBS Y&R Spoilers Jack and Diane run away from Jemery - start a new life in a secret place
The Young And The Restless Spoilers Diane fakes DNA test results, Jack is not Kyle's father
CBS Young And The Restless Spoilers Mamie and Leanna help Traci destroy Diane and Jack's wedding