Fix Bayonets – The Battle for Goose Green
Battle of Goose Green - 2 Para against all Odds (28–29th May 1982)
Falklands: How the Battle of Goose Green turned the tide
Falklands veteran on how UK troops took back Goose Green in key battle
Goose Green & H Jones, Falklands War 1982
Eighties but you're fighting for the Falklands at Goose Green
Battle Of Goose Green Anniversary | Forces TV
Britain's Final Assault - Falklands War Documentary
2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment (2 Para) - The Battle of Goose Green
The Battle Of Goose Green
Falklands War - The Battle for Goose Green 1982
Argentine Soldiers Ambush British 2 PARA - Falklands War Movie Scene-
2 Para Battle For Goose Green | Nigel 'Spud' Ely | Special Air Service | Bought The T-Shirt Podcast
The Battle of Goose Green
The Battle of Goose Green 4 5
Footage of a Tense Aerial Battle During the Falklands War
The Falklands War (1982)