Aurizon loaded coal MC54 and PN empty steel service 5BW4 - 5/11/21
NR88 / NR2 with PN 5BW4 - 5/10/18
6004 / 6009 leading and 6010 trail Aurizon coal service MC54 - 5/11/21
6006 with Aurizon coal wagon transfer 4952 - 3/11/21
PN's 4BW4 and a short 4124 - 1/6/17
NR21 / LDP004 / LDP002 with PN 7BS3 - 6/11/21
5 NR's with PN empty steel 2BW4- 6/6/17
NR65 / 9319 with PN 2BW4 - 19/12/17
NR90 & NR87 with PN 7BW4 - 13/8/17
NR58 / NR120 / NR7 / NR83 / TT112 with PN 2NY3 - 26/4/21
NR66 / 8250 with PN 5NY3 - 21/11/19
Four NR's and AN2 all cab first with PN 4NY3 - 5/12/18
8251 / 8257 / 8133 / 8213 with PN 9537 - 7/11/21
NR37 / NR83 / 9319 / NR14 / 8223 with PN 3BW4 - 18/10/17
Triple NR's with PN 3NY3 steel - 10/1/17
NR24 / AN9 / NR11 with PN 3BW4 - 23/1/19
Triple NR's with PN 6NY3 steel - 23/12/16
NR87 / 8183 / NR110 / NR78 with PN 3YN2 - 20/5/21
Triple NR's with PN 5WB3 - 25/1/18
NR77 / NR60 / 8244 with PN 3NY3 - 18/6/19