AtoVproject Patch example 2 - cDVCA as Waveshaper/VCA/VCF
AtoVproject Patch example 3 - cDVCA as a synth voice
AtovProject Patch example 1 - Gaeto PWM & pitch shifting sub octaves
AtoVproject Patch example 4 - cDVCA processing drums
Patches for Eurorack Utilities // with the MMx2 Matrix-able Mixer by AtoVproject
AtoVproject Gaeto - User Manual
Superbooth 2023: AtoVproject - cDVCA - Gaeto
How to improve control over your modular, hardware and software with AtoVproject 16n Rework
AtoVproject - cLFO and MMx2
Superbooth21 AtoVproject Gaeto clocked logic module
cDVCA by AtoVproject - Deep dive, kit build and calibration.
AtoVproject LX Euclid: Fun Touch-sensitive Euclidean Sequencer
AtoVproject 16n Rework Demo - Using it with Eurorack and Bitwig
AtoVproject DHO demo
Unique VCA that’s also a wave shaper, overdrive, and filter - With AtoV project cDVCA
2: Your Modular Synth System: Set Up and Signal Flow
Why you CAN have enough VCAs - have a look at these more creative alternatives!
AtoV Project (live)
No Patch Cables - Er301 16n and i2c
Everyone Asked How I Made This Beat... A Eurorack Modular Patch Breakdown!