Agressif 8400MMR Plays Morphling WITH SATANIC AND SKADI - Dota 2
Agressif 8400MMR Plays Huskar - Dota 2
Morphling Ultra Kill. m Liquid vs m Secret
Badman 7900MMR Morphling WITH SKADI AND LINKENS - Dota 2
Resolut1on 8000MMR Plays Morphling WITH ASSAULT AND BUTTERFLY - Dota 2
MidOne 8000 MMR Plays Morphling WITH ETHERAL AND BUTTERFLY - Dota 2
Steef plays Morphling 865 GPM 27/1/6
Как разрушить башню на 3 минуте.
[Dota 2] What Teamwork looks like
Miracle- 9000MMR Plays Faceless Void WITH SATANIC AND MJOLNIR - Dota 2
Kamikaze Morphling- Dota 2: Brutal 102 KILLS
Miracle- Morphling Gameplay - Game 2 - Midas Mode - Grand Final.
Miracle- Dota 2 - Morphling with Sange and Yasha.
Brain Damaged Morphling
Dota 2 Miracle 9000K MMR Playing Storm Spirit
Puppey Plays Morphling WITH DRAGON LANCE - Dota 2
Dota 2 - Necrophos highlights - Game 2954617852
Miracle- Dota 2 [Bloodseeker] OMG, Bloody NIGHTMARE
Dota 2 - Turbo - Warlock Fatal Bounds are sooo underrated
Dota 2 - The Art of hexOr - Ep.69