APOD: 2019-10-06 - The Horsehead Nebula (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2019-10-24 - Dark Seahorse in Cepheus (Narrated by Joanna)
APOD: 2019-10-30 - M42: Inside the Orion Nebula (Narrated by Salli)
APOD: 2019-12-06 - Pleiades to Hyades (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2019-10-02 - Molecular Clouds in the Carina Nebula (Narrated by Emma)
APOD: 2019-10-15 - The Galaxy Above (Narrated by Amy)
APOD: 2019-10-25 - The Ghosts of Cassiopeia (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2019-12-08 - Geminid Meteors over Chile (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2020-10-07 - Ou4: A Giant Squid in a Flying Bat (Narrated by Salli)
APOD: 2019-12-01 - Starburst Galaxy M94 from Hubble (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2020-09-06 - M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2020-10-21 - A Night Sky Vista from Sardinia (Narrated by Salli)
APOD: 2020-10-28 - NGC 6357: The Lobster Nebula (Narrated by Salli)
APOD: 2019-11-15 - M16 and the Eagle Nebula (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2020-06-09 - Orion over Argentine Mountains (Narrated by Amy)
APOD: 2019-11-02 - Inside the Flame Nebula (Narrated by Emma)
APOD: 2019-11-07 - Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione (Narrated by Joanna)
APOD: 2020-06-07 - Halo of the Cat's Eye (Narrated by Brian)
APOD: 2019-12-24 - A Northern Winter Sky Panorama (Narrated by Amy)
APOD: 2019-11-16 - The Star Streams of NGC 5907 (Narrated by Emma)