66780 on 6P41, 09:57, Harwich Refinery CRLS SLVS - North Walsham GBRF (12:48)
66779, Evening Star, on 6P41, 09:57, Harwich Refinery CRLS SLVS - North Walsham GBRF (12:48)
66765 on 6P41, 09:57, Harwich Refinery CRLS SLVS - North Walsham GBRF (12:48)
755407 on 5Q53, 11:33, Norwich-Ipswich and 66780 on 6P41, 09:57, Harwich-North Walsham tanks
66751 on 6P41 , 09:57, Harwich - North Walsham and 0A41 , 14:25, North Walsham - Ipswich Reception
6P41 Harwich Refinery to North Walsham
66706, Nene Valley, on 6A33, 14:27, North Walsham GBRF - Harwich Refinery CRLS SLVS (17:52)
66732 on 6A33 , 14:40, North Walsham Gbrf - Harwich Refinery (17:53)
(HD) GBRf Cemex livery 66780 approaches Hildenborough working 6O64 - 26/9/19
66732 6P40 06:00 Harwich Refinery Crls Slvs to North Walsham Gbrf @ Stansted Mountfitchet 19/03/18
GBRF 66740 'Sarah' with 6P41 empty Nth Walsham tanks passes Tunstead
66765 hauling empty bogie tanks 6P41 Harwich to North Walsham Newton Flotman 1 10 18
66780 "The Cemex Express" Passes Through Lincoln Central (07/10/21)
***BRAND NEW*** CEMEX 66780 passing retford
66426+66427 on 3S01 and 66709 with 6P41 pass Salhouse
*Legend Driver* Cemex Liveried 66780 Working 4O69 @ Shawford - September 2020
66738 'Huddersfield Town' works 6A32 loaded North Walsham tanks passes Worstead
66780 + 66738 GBRF leaving Swinton (South Yorkshire) Railway Station
66780 GBRF pass through Chesterfield railway station
66780 & 66745 pass Horton Rd Jn with 0Z85 Hams Hall to Cardiff Tidal Sdgs. 15/02/2021