5 Locos lead 4NY3 empty steel train - 31/12/14
5 Locos lead 5NY3 - 23/10/14
5 locos lead 4BM2 - 12/2/15
5 NR's lead PN 5NY3 empty steel train - 18/8/16
5 locos on 5BW4 - 14/2/14
5 locos lead 5NY3 - 5/3/15
5 loco's lead 2NP3 - 27/4/15
5 locos including 8025 on PN 2BM2 containers and steel train - 3/2/15
Five locos including Alco 8025 with 3BW4 - 17/2/16
NR53 / NR73 / 8166 / 8230 / 8146 with PN 4NY3 - 9/12/20
Four NR's and 8226 with PN 5NY3 empty steel - 7/7/16
Australian Locomotives - Pacific National - 6906v
6NY3 with 5 locos - 29/8/14
Colourful NR's lead PN 4NY3 - 22/4/20
5NY3 - 5 locos - 10/7/14
SSR Empty Coal
Full house leads 5NY3 - 19/2/15
5BS6 with 5 locos - 4/7/14
NR82 / NR35 / LDP005 with PN 4NY3 - 8/6/22
Variety of PN Locos lead 5NY3 steel - 15/3/18